HESPERIA workshop Paris, Feb 27 – Mar 2, Paris Observatory Schedule


Monday February 27

14:00 Opening
14:15 O. Malandraki: The HESPERIA project: an overview
14:30 C. Sarlanis: The HESPERIA host server set-up
15:00 N. Vilmer: The FLARECAST project
15:30 I. Usoskin: Extreme solar particle events: What is the worst case scenario?

16:15 Coffee break

SEP Forecasting (1)

16:45  A. Papaioannou: SEP Data driven statistical approaches for Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) Events forecasting
17:15 E. Cliver: A Short-term Forecast Tool for ≥ S2 (≥ 100 pfu) Solar Proton Events: Preliminary Report
17:45 General discussion

18:00 Adjourn


Tuesday February 28

SEP Forecasting (2)
09:00 M. Nunez: Predicting the occurrence of GLE events
09:30 J. Labrenz: Near realtime forecasting of MeV protons on the basis of sub relativistic electrons
10:00 R. Bütikofer: GLE Inversion Software – Assessment of Source and Transport Parameters Based on Neutron Monitor Data
10:30 A. Papaioannou: HESPERIA data retrieval tool demonstration

10:45 Coffee break

11:30 K.-L. Klein: Microwave observations for forecasting energetic particles from the Sun
12:00 M. Dierckxens: SEP Scoreboard: Real-time Forecasting Validation
12:30  General discussion: SEP forecasting, HESPERIA, perspectives

13:00 Lunch
High-energy particles at the Sun: EM emissions
14:30 G. Share: Characteristics of 29 Sustained-Emission >100 MeV Gamma-Ray Events Associated with Impulsive Solar Flares
15:00 P. Zucca: A search for radio and X-ray counterparts of long-lasting solar gamma-ray emission from relativistic protons
15:30  A. Mackinnon: Secondary Electrons from Energetic Flare Ions

16:00 Coffee break

17:00 Guided tour of Paris Observatory

Wednesday March 1

High-energy particles from the Sun: SEPs
09:00 E. Valtonen: Energy Spectra and Abundance Ratios of Heavy Ions in HESPERIA Gamma-Ray Events
09:30 K. Tziotziou: Multi-spacecraft solar energetic particle analysis of FERMI gamma-ray flare events
10:00 P. Kühl: Solar Energetic Particle Events with Protons > 500 MeV between 1995 and 2015 Measured with SOHO/EPHIN

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 A. Afanasiev: Testing the shock origin of protons responsible for solar long-duration gamma-ray events
11:30 A. Aran: Modelling The 2012 January 23 And 2012 May 17 SEP Event With The Shock-And-Particle Model
12:00 A. Rouillard: CME and shock tracking during FERMI/LAT gamma-ray events (title TBC)

12:30 General discussion: High-energy particles at and from the Sun

13:00 Lunch

14:30 J. Kartavykh: Modeling of Energetic Particle Transport and Acceleration at Interplanetary Shock Waves in Mixed Solar Particle Events
15:00 S. Dalla: Solar Electron Deceleration in Interplanetary Space
15:30 W. Dröge: Multi-spacecraft observations and transport modeling of solar energetic particles in the inner Heliosphere

16:00 Coffee break

16:30 D. Strauss: Simulating Solar Energetic Particle Transport
17:00 D. Pacheco: Interplanetary Transport of Solar Electron Events Detected over a Narrow Range of Heliolongitudes
17:30 General discussion: Particle transport modelling

18:00 Adjourn

Thursday March 2

09:00 N. Dresing: Long-lasting solar energetic electron injection during the 26 Dec 2013 widespread SEP event
09:30 S. Masson: Flare-accelerated particles' escape in 3D solar eruptive events
10:00 O. Malandraki: Joint Ne/O and Fe/O Analysis to Diagnose Large Solar Energetic Particle Events during Solar Cycle 23
10:30 R. Vainio: Why is Solar Cycle 24 Inefficient in Producing High-Energy Particle Events?

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 General discussion: Political recommendations of the HESPERIA project – to be introduced by short presentations of the lead authors of the document
12:45 Closing

13:00 Lunch

Afternoon: HESPERIA consortium meeting (until Friday March 3, at noon)

Abstracts can be downloaded from here.

Workshop program can be downloaded in printable format here.

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